Friday, August 27, 2010

How To Build An Online Brand

The new challenge faced by new and established companies : getting people to trust your online presence enough to click

Branding is so important in any business on or offline

1. Message deliver must be clear
2. Will create business credibility
3. It can create a connection between the product and the clientele
4. Buyer motivate

Surely, there are other ways to become successful in any business endeavor, but there is nothing more certain than having a recognizable, appealing and unique brand that customers/buyers and clients can easily associate themselves with.  For more information on branding go to 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take the time you need!

This is so important, it can’t be mentioned enough. Same as with the tip about learning to say no. Once you have said yes to a project you need to make sure that you take the time needed to do the best you can do. Handing over a project that is half done will not only give you a client who won’t come back, but it can give you a bad reputation. Your clients are your best references to show in the future and no one want a freelancer who leaves the work half-finished.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Craft a marketing/business plan

This should be the first thing you do. Even if you have all the details in your head, putting them on paper will help communicate your goals internally and externally. Not only will the plan compel you to think through challenges before they occur, but it will also be a lot easier for you to obtain help from potential business partners or investors when you have a solid business plan to show them. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fan page = Today’s website

The forever-changing Internet landscape has gone social. The sooner you start testing the Web waters, the better position your business will be in. Your best bet is to dip your toe in with a Facebook fan page as soon as possible.

What 's a fan page? It’s a special profile that publically promotes a brand, a product, an artist, a Web site, an organization.

Why does my business need one? Your competitors already have fan pages and are able to reach more than 400 million users! On any given day, 50% of these active users log in to Facebook AND overwhelmingly prefer the social media site to using the overall Web. Once you’ve engaged all these current and potential customers, you can also reach their friends, business colleagues, etc.

What are the benefits? On Facebook, your business is searchable by all users. Outside of Facebook, search engines improve your listing results by scan social sites. Better yet, larger search engines pull real-time search results from Facebook status updates and other real-time content.  There are even studies showing that, overall, Facebook users are more loyal, drive more business and bring in new customers than general Web users.

What are you waiting for? Jump into social media with a fan page!