Friday, June 11, 2010

Surpass the Joneses

What does every business – large and small – need today to complete? The answer is social media; getting your information out there as soon as possible, whether it is your services, products or completed projects. New vehicles to get that information out are constantly created/upgraded. Let’s focus on Twitter and why you need to add it to your business plan immediately:
1. You can communicate and network with potential clients in real time via Twitter.
2. Twitter has an awesome application-programming interface and they continue to add new tools daily that may benefit you.
3. Twitter is mobile, so you can reach out from anywhere to your followers wherever they are.
4. Twitter keeps you up to date on news you need and want – no other service can compete with real-time tweets!
5. You can ask questions get answers instantaneously with the ability to track your conversations at a later time if needed.